1980 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook This book is no longer in print, but has been combine into the 1980, 1981, and 1982 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook Compilation.
1981 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook
1982 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook
1983 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook
1984 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook This book is no longer in print, but has been combine into a 1984 & 1985 Yearbook compilation.
1985 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook This book is no longer in print, but has been combine into a 1984 & 1985 Yearbook compilation.
Managing the Training of Weightlifters, N. P. Laputin
The Snatch, the Clean And Jerk R.A. Roman
The Training of the Weightlifter R. A. Roman
Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport, Y. Verkhoshansky
Programming & Organization of Training, Y. Verkhoshansky
Weightlifting and Age, L.S. Dvorkin
Weightlifting Training and Technique (several authors)
1984 & 1985 Russian Weightlifting Yearbooks bound as a single book.
A Program of Multi - Year Training in Weightlifting, A.S. Medvedyev
Method of Planning the Training of the Weightlifter
A Demasulinization of Strength
A System of Multi - Year Training in Weightlifting, A.S. Medvedyev
1980 Russian Weightlifting Yearbook
Naim SuleymanogluThe Pocket HerculesENGLISH TRANSLATION